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Schools - Public
in Las Vegas, NV
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Rhodes Elementary School
7350 Tealwood St
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89131
(702) 799-3450
Las Vegas Junior Academy
6059 W Oakey Blvd
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89146
(702) 871-7208
Uceda School
2540 E Desert Inn Rd
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89121
(702) 732-3111
Morris - Sunset East High School
3801 E Washington Ave
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89110
(702) 799-8880
Edith Garehime Elementary School
3850 N Campbell Rd
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89129
(702) 799-6000
Desert Arms
953 E Sahara Ave Ste 214
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89104
(702) 650-4440
Islamic Academy
485 E Eldorado Ln
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89123
(702) 614-9002
Cartwright Elementary School
1050 E Gary Ave
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89123
(702) 799-1350
Explore Knowledge Academy Business Office
4795 S Sandhill Rd Ste 12
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89121
(702) 870-5032
Innovations International Charter School of Nevada
1600 E Oakey Blvd
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89104
(702) 216-4337
Innovations International Charter School of NV
1600 E Oakey Blvd
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89104
(702) 366-1377
Tony Shelton Dealing School
618 Carson Ave
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89101
(702) 366-1276
Kinder Cottage Preschool
4090 E Owens Ave
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89110
(702) 437-2276
Wiener Louis Elementary School
450 E Eldorado Ln
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89123
(702) 799-5760
Palo Verde High School
333 S Pavilion Center Dr
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89144
(702) 799-1450
Western High School
4601 W Bonanza Rd
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89107
(702) 799-4080
Brinley Community School
6150 Smoke Ranch Rd
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89108
(702) 229-2642
Lowman Mary & Zel Elementary School
4225 N Lamont St
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89115
(702) 799-4930
Litl Scholar Rainbow
1951 S Rainbow Blvd
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89146
(702) 254-5000
Variety School
2601 Sunrise Ave
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89101
(702) 799-7938
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